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Buildings Division
To contact a building inspector, please call 311, the City of Chicago’s general information line, or contact the Department of Buildings main telephone number at 365.583.8700.
Environmental Safety & Consumer Affairs
Municipal FAQs
Although you do not have to request a hearing, your vehicle will continue to accrue storage fees while impounded. You could be financially responsible for these storage fees. You mayrequest a hearing tochallenge the impoundment.
If you paid the ticket after the scheduled hearing date, your case will be defaulted. For most cases, you must file a motion to set-aside the default; for Streets & Sanitation tickets only, if you paid before the hearing date, you may call the telephone number on the ticket for further assistance.
Gehörlosenverband Salzburg
Schopperstraße 21, 5020 Salzburg, AUSTRIA
Tel.: +43 (0) 662 455150 | Fax: +43 (0) 662 455150 12
E-Mail: beratungsstelle@gehoerlose-salzburg.at
SMS (Dolmetsch-Bestellung): +43 (0)664 3018770